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import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import envoy.util.EnvoyLog;
* Manages all application settings that are set during application startup by either loading them
* from the {@link Properties} file (default values) {@code} or parsing them from
* the command line arguments of the application.
* <p>
* All items inside the {@code Config} are supposed to either be supplied over default value or over
* command line argument. Developers that fail to provide default values will be greeted with an
* error message the next time they try to start Envoy...
* @author Kai S. K. Engelbart
* @since Envoy Common v0.1-beta
public class Config {
protected Map<String, ConfigItem<?>> items = new HashMap<>();
private boolean modificationDisabled;
protected Config(String folderName) {
final var rootDirectory = new File(System.getProperty("user.home"), folderName);
put("homeDirectory", "home", File::new);
((ConfigItem<File>) get("homeDirectory")).setValue(rootDirectory);
put("fileLevelBarrier", "fb", Level::parse);
put("consoleLevelBarrier", "cb", Level::parse);
* Parses config items from a properties object.
* @param properties the properties object to parse
* @since Envoy Common v0.1-beta
private void load(Properties properties) {
items.entrySet().stream().filter(e -> properties.containsKey(e.getKey()))
.forEach(e -> e.getValue().parse(properties.getProperty(e.getKey())));
* Parses config items from an array of command line arguments.
* @param args the command line arguments to parse
* @throws IllegalStateException if a malformed command line argument has been supplied
* @since Envoy Common v0.1-beta
private void load(String[] args) {
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++)
for (final ConfigItem<?> item : items.values())
if (args[i].startsWith("--")) {
if (args[i].length() == 2)
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Malformed command line argument at position "
+ i + ": " + args[i]);
final String commandLong = args[i].substring(2);
if (item.getCommandLong().equals(commandLong)) {
} else if (args[i].startsWith("-")) {
if (args[i].length() == 1)
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Malformed command line argument at position "
+ i + ": " + args[i]);
final String commandShort = args[i].substring(1);
if (item.getCommandShort().equals(commandShort)) {
} else
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Malformed command line argument at position "
+ i + ": " + args[i]);
* Supplies default values from the given .properties file and parses the configuration from an
* array of command line arguments.
* @param declaringClass the class calling this method
* @param propertiesFilePath the path to where the .properties file can be found - will be only
* the file name if it is located directly inside the
* {@code src/main/resources} folder
* @param args the command line arguments to parse
* @throws IllegalStateException if this method is getting called again or if a malformed
* command line argument has been supplied
* @since Envoy Common v0.1-beta
public void loadAll(Class<?> declaringClass, String propertiesFilePath, String[] args) {
if (modificationDisabled)
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Cannot change config after isInitialized has been called");
// Load the defaults from the given .properties file first
final var properties = new Properties();
try {
} catch (final IOException e) {
.log(Level.SEVERE, "An error occurred when reading in the configuration: ",
// Override configuration values with command line arguments
if (args.length > 0)
// Check if all configuration values have been initialized
// Disable further editing of the config
modificationDisabled = true;
* @throws IllegalStateException if a {@link ConfigItem} has not been initialized
* @since Envoy Common v0.1-beta
private void isInitialized() {
final String uninitialized =
items.values().stream().filter(c -> c.get() == null).map(ConfigItem::getCommandLong)
.collect(Collectors.joining(", "));
if (!uninitialized.isEmpty())
throw new IllegalStateException("Config items uninitialized: " + uninitialized);
* @param name the name of the config item to return
* @return the config item with the specified name
* @since Envoy Common v0.1-beta
public ConfigItem<?> get(String name) {
return items.get(name);
* Shorthand for <br>
* {@code items.put(commandName, new ConfigItem<>(commandName, commandShort, parseFunction, defaultValue))}.
* @param <T> the type of the {@link ConfigItem}
* @param commandName the key for this config item as well as its long name
* @param commandShort the abbreviation of this config item
* @param parseFunction the {@code Function<String, T>} that parses the value from a string
* @since Envoy Common v0.2-beta
protected <T> void put(String commandName, String commandShort,
Function<String, T> parseFunction) {
items.put(commandName, new ConfigItem<>(commandName, commandShort, parseFunction));
* @return the directory in which all local files are saves
* @since Envoy Client v0.2-beta
public File getHomeDirectory() { return (File) items.get("homeDirectory").get(); }
* @return the minimal {@link Level} to log inside the log file
* @since Envoy Client v0.2-beta
public Level getFileLevelBarrier() { return (Level) items.get("fileLevelBarrier").get(); }
* @return the minimal {@link Level} to log inside the console
* @since Envoy Client v0.2-beta
public Level getConsoleLevelBarrier() {
return (Level) items.get("consoleLevelBarrier").get();