Added option to autocreate bug issues on client and server side

Additionally cleaned up a few classes a bit
This commit is contained in:
delvh 2020-08-16 17:14:41 +02:00
parent 5acbd3b6e1
commit f4a3bfed97
11 changed files with 299 additions and 30 deletions

View File

@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER/org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.launcher.StandardVMType/JavaSE-11">
<attribute name="module" value="true"/>
<attribute name="maven.pomderived" value="true"/>

View File

@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ import envoy.client.ui.Startup;
public class Main {
private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
* Starts the application.
@ -26,5 +28,12 @@ public class Main {
* client configuration
* @since Envoy Client v0.1-beta
public static void main(String[] args) { Application.launch(Startup.class, args); }
public static void main(String[] args) {
if (DEBUG) {
// Put testing code here
Application.launch(Startup.class, args);

View File

@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
package envoy.client.ui.controller;
import javafx.fxml.FXML;
import javafx.scene.control.*;
import javafx.scene.control.Label;
import javafx.scene.control.ListView;
import javafx.scene.control.TitledPane;
import envoy.client.ui.SceneContext;
import envoy.client.ui.listcell.AbstractListCell;
import envoy.client.ui.settings.*;
@ -33,20 +36,20 @@ public class SettingsScene {
public void initializeData(SceneContext sceneContext, Client client) {
this.sceneContext = sceneContext;
final var user = client.getSender();
final var online = client.isOnline();
settingsList.getItems().add(new GeneralSettingsPane());
settingsList.getItems().add(new UserSettingsPane(sceneContext, client.getSender(), client.isOnline()));
settingsList.getItems().add(new UserSettingsPane(sceneContext, user, online));
settingsList.getItems().add(new DownloadSettingsPane(sceneContext));
settingsList.getItems().add(new BugReportPane( user, online));
private void initialize() {
settingsList.setCellFactory(listView -> new ListCell<>() {
settingsList.setCellFactory(listView -> new AbstractListCell<>(listView) {
protected void updateItem(SettingsPane item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
if (!empty && item != null) setGraphic(new Label(item.getTitle()));
protected Label renderItem(SettingsPane item) { return new Label(item.getTitle()); }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
package envoy.client.ui.settings;
import javafx.event.EventHandler;
import javafx.scene.control.*;
import javafx.scene.input.InputEvent;
import envoy.client.event.SendEvent;
import envoy.event.EventBus;
import envoy.event.IssueProposal;
* This class offers the option for users to submit a bug report. Only the title
* of a bug is needed to be sent.
* <p>
* Project: <strong>client</strong><br>
* File: <strong></strong><br>
* Created: <strong>Aug 4, 2020</strong><br>
* @author Leon Hofmeister
* @since Envoy Client v0.2-beta
public class BugReportPane extends OnlyIfOnlineSettingsPane {
private final Label titleLabel = new Label("Suggest a title for the bug:");
private final TextField titleTextField = new TextField();
private final Label pleaseExplainLabel = new Label("Paste here the log of what went wrong and/ or explain what went wrong:");
private final TextArea errorDetailArea = new TextArea();
private final CheckBox showUsernameInBugReport = new CheckBox("Show your username in the bug report?");
private final Button submitReportButton = new Button("Submit report");
private final EventHandler<? super InputEvent> inputEventHandler = e -> submitReportButton.setDisable(titleTextField.getText().isBlank());
* Creates a new {@code BugReportPane}.
* @param user the user whose details to use
* @param online whether this user is currently online
* @since Envoy Client v0.2-beta
public BugReportPane(User user, boolean online) {
super("Report a bug", online);
setToolTipText("A bug can only be reported when being online");
// Displaying the label to ask for a title
// Displaying the TextField where to enter the title of this bug
// Displaying the label to ask for clarification
// Displaying the TextArea where to enter the log and/or own description
// Displaying the consent button that your user name will be shown
// Displaying the submitReportButton
submitReportButton.setOnAction(e -> {
.dispatch(new SendEvent(new IssueProposal(titleTextField.getText(), errorDetailArea.getText(),
showUsernameInBugReport.isSelected() ? user.getName() : null, true)));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
package envoy.client.ui.settings;
import javafx.geometry.Insets;
import javafx.scene.control.Label;
import javafx.scene.control.Tooltip;
import javafx.scene.layout.Background;
import javafx.scene.layout.BackgroundFill;
import javafx.scene.layout.CornerRadii;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
* Inheriting from this class signifies that options should only be available if
* the {@link} is currently online. If the user is currently
* offline, all {@link javafx.scene.Node} variables will be disabled and a
* {@link Tooltip} will be displayed for the whole node.
* <p>
* Project: <strong>client</strong><br>
* File: <strong></strong><br>
* Created: <strong>Aug 4, 2020</strong><br>
* @author Leon Hofmeister
* @since Envoy Client v0.2-beta
public abstract class OnlyIfOnlineSettingsPane extends SettingsPane {
private final Tooltip beOnlineReminder = new Tooltip("You need to be online to modify your acount.");
* @param title
* @since Envoy Client v0.2-beta
protected OnlyIfOnlineSettingsPane(String title, boolean online) {
final var offline = !online;
if (offline) {
final var infoLabel = new Label("You shall not pass!\n(... Unless you would happen to be online)");
setBackground(new Background(new BackgroundFill(Color.grayRgb(100, 0.3), CornerRadii.EMPTY, Insets.EMPTY)));
Tooltip.install(this, beOnlineReminder);
} else Tooltip.uninstall(this, beOnlineReminder);
protected void setToolTipText(String text) { beOnlineReminder.setText(text); }

View File

@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ import envoy.client.event.SendEvent;
import envoy.client.ui.IconUtil;
import envoy.client.ui.SceneContext;
import envoy.client.ui.custom.ProfilePicImageView;
import envoy.client.util.ReflectionUtil;
import envoy.event.*;
import envoy.util.Bounds;
@ -36,7 +35,7 @@ import envoy.util.EnvoyLog;
* @author Leon Hofmeister
* @since Envoy Client v0.2-beta
public class UserSettingsPane extends SettingsPane {
public class UserSettingsPane extends OnlyIfOnlineSettingsPane {
private boolean profilePicChanged, usernameChanged, validPassword;
private byte[] currentImageBytes;
@ -49,8 +48,6 @@ public class UserSettingsPane extends SettingsPane {
private final PasswordField repeatNewPasswordField = new PasswordField();
private final Button saveButton = new Button("Save");
private final Tooltip beOnlineReminder = new Tooltip("You need to be online to modify your acount.");
private static final EventBus eventBus = EventBus.getInstance();
private static final Logger logger = EnvoyLog.getLogger(UserSettingsPane.class);
@ -63,7 +60,7 @@ public class UserSettingsPane extends SettingsPane {
* @since Envoy Client v0.2-beta
public UserSettingsPane(SceneContext sceneContext, User user, boolean online) {
super("User", online);
// Display of profile pic change mechanism
@ -143,17 +140,6 @@ public class UserSettingsPane extends SettingsPane {
saveButton.setOnAction(e -> save(user.getID(), currentPasswordField.getText()));
final var offline = !online;
ReflectionUtil.getAllDeclaredNodeVariables(this).forEach(node -> node.setDisable(offline));
if (offline) {
final var infoLabel = new Label("You shall not pass!\n(... Unless you would happen to be online)");
Tooltip.install(this, beOnlineReminder);
} else Tooltip.uninstall(this, beOnlineReminder);

View File

@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ public class ReflectionUtil {
try {
final var value = field.get(instance);
return value;
} catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
<TitledPane fx:id="titledPane" collapsible="false"
prefHeight="325.0" prefWidth="300.0">
prefHeight="400.0" prefWidth="400.0">
<Insets bottom="10.0" left="5.0" right="10.0" top="10.0" />

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
package envoy.event;
* This class allows envoy users to send an issue proposal to the server who, if
* not disabled by its admin, will forward it directly to gitea.
* <p>
* Project: <strong>common</strong><br>
* File: <strong></strong><br>
* Created: <strong>Aug 5, 2020</strong><br>
* @author Leon Hofmeister
* @since Envoy Common v0.2-beta
public class IssueProposal extends Event<String> {
private final String submitterName;
private final String description;
private final boolean bug;
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* @param title the title of the reported bug
* @param description the description of this bug
* @param submitterName the user who submitted the bug
* @param isBug determines whether this {@code IssueProposal} is
* supposed to be a
* feature or a bug (true = bug, false = feature)
* @since Envoy Common v0.2-beta
public IssueProposal(String title, String description, String submitterName, boolean isBug) {
this.submitterName = submitterName;
this.description = description;
bug = isBug;
* @return the description
* @since Envoy Common v0.2-beta
public String getDescription() { return description; }
* @return the name of the user who sent this bug report
* @since Envoy Common v0.2-beta
public String getSubmitterName() { return submitterName; }
* @return whether this issue is supposed to be a bug - if false it is intended
* as a feature
* @since Envoy Common v0.2-beta
public boolean isBug() { return bug; }

View File

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ public class Startup {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
final Server server = new Server(8080, ObjectMessageReader::new,
final var server = new Server(8080, ObjectMessageReader::new,
new ObjectMessageProcessor(Set.of(new LoginCredentialProcessor(),
new MessageProcessor(),
new GroupMessageProcessor(),
@ -73,10 +73,11 @@ public class Startup {
new IsTypingProcessor(),
new NameChangeProcessor(),
new ProfilePicChangeProcessor(),
new PasswordChangeRequestProcessor())));
new PasswordChangeRequestProcessor(),
new IssueProposalProcessor())));
// Initialize the current message ID
final PersistenceManager persistenceManager = PersistenceManager.getInstance();
final var persistenceManager = PersistenceManager.getInstance();
if (persistenceManager.getConfigItemByID("currentMessageId") == null)
persistenceManager.addConfigItem(new"currentMessageId", "0"));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
package envoy.server.processors;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import envoy.event.IssueProposal;
import envoy.util.EnvoyLog;
* This processor handles incoming {@link IssueProposal}s and automatically
* creates a new issue on the gitea site, if not disabled by its administrator.
* <p>
* Project: <strong>server</strong><br>
* File: <strong></strong><br>
* Created: <strong>Aug 5, 2020</strong><br>
* @author Leon Hofmeister
* @since Envoy Server v0.2-beta
public class IssueProposalProcessor implements ObjectProcessor<IssueProposal> {
private static boolean issueReportingEnabled = true;
private static final Logger logger = EnvoyLog.getLogger(IssueProposalProcessor.class);
public void process(IssueProposal issueProposal, long socketID, ObjectWriteProxy writeProxy) throws IOException {
// Do nothing if manually disabled
if (!issueReportingEnabled) return;
var issueDescription = issueProposal.getDescription();
// Appending the submitter name, if this option was enabled
issueDescription += issueProposal.getSubmitterName() != null
? (issueDescription.endsWith("\n") || issueDescription.endsWith("<br>") ? "" : "<br>")
+ String.format("Submitted by user %s.", issueProposal.getSubmitterName())
: "";
// Markdown does not support "\n". It uses "<br>"
issueDescription = issueDescription.replaceAll("\n", "<br>");
// We do not want any Windows artifacts to remain as that may cause problems
issueDescription = issueDescription.replaceAll("\r", "");
try {
final var url = new URL(
final var connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json; utf-8");
connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json");
final var json = String.format("{\"title\":\"%s\",\"body\":\"%s\",\"labels\":[240, %d]}",
// Label 240 should be user-made, label 117 bug and label 119 feature
issueProposal.isBug() ? 117 : 119);
try (final var os = connection.getOutputStream()) {
final byte[] input = json.getBytes("utf-8");
os.write(input, 0, input.length);
final var status = connection.getResponseCode();
if (status == 201) logger.log(Level.INFO, "Successfully created an issue");
else logger.log(Level.WARNING,
String.format("Tried creating an issue but received status code %d - Request params:title=%s,description=%s,json=%s",
} catch (final IOException e) {
logger.log(Level.WARNING, "An error occurred while creating an issue: ", e);
* @return whether issue reporting is enabled
* @since Envoy Server v0.2-beta
public static boolean isIssueReportingEnabled() { return issueReportingEnabled; }
* @param issueReportingEnabled whether issue reporting should be enabled - true
* by default
* @since Envoy Server v0.2-beta
public static void setIssueReportingEnabled(boolean issueReportingEnabled) {
IssueProposalProcessor.issueReportingEnabled = issueReportingEnabled;